WEpayments' Payin API (1.2)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Here you will find instructions on how to create a complete billing experience with WEpayments' Payin.
Use this API to generate a billing request used to make a single simple charge, using PIX, boleto, and credit card payment methods. Additionally, it is possible to create billing requests with splits between sellers.
With the integration of WEpayments' Payin, you will receive notifications for each payment. You can check the created charges, perform real-time reconciliation via webhook, cancel charges, request refunds, among other functionalities.
Create a new QR Code Pix payment charge.
Generate a new QR Code Pix payment request. This also brings a copy-and-paste code, that ables the customer to pay either scanning the QR Code, or with the copy-and-paste code the client will pay in the internet banking app.
About callback notification
PIX is a fast way to pay, where you get notified of payments in less than a minute after the transaction is done or its status changes.
Possible charge status PIX
status_code | status | explanation |
1 |
CREATED | The first status when the Pix is created. |
2 |
CANCELED | Pix canceled due to expiration. |
7 |
REJECTED | Pix rejected due to compliance reasons. |
3 |
PAID | Pix successfully paid. |
4 |
CREDITED | The amount is paid and available for withdrawal. |
5 |
DROP_REQUESTED | PIX transaction canceled at the user's request. |
Payment page
We offer a payment page that displays the Pix QR Code, allowing users to access and view payment instructions for the charge. For security reasons, it is not possible to open the payment page within an iframe.
Environment | URL |
Sandbox | https://pagar.sandbox.goboleto.com/?hash={key} |
Production | https://pagar.goboleto.com/?hash={key} |
Request Body schema: application/json
callbackUrl | string <url> The url where we will submit the callbacks. |
customNumber | string <= 255 characters Your identification number, it must be unique on our database. |
clientId | integer or null <int32> ClientId of the account creating Pix. The custom number will be different for sandbox and production environment. Is mandatory if there is more than one account under your umbrella (sellers). |
required | object Payment instructions. |
required | object The person that you are charging object. |
object Fine when the expiration date is reached. | |
object Schedule a discount for early payment, before the due date. | |
refundMode | string Default: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" Enum: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" "FULL_REFUND_RECIPIENT" "REFUND_BY_SPLIT" FULL_REFUND_CLIENT: The refund amount will be fully debited from the wallet of the issuer of the charge. |
Array of objects[ items ] Splits are avaiable if you want to credit more than one wallet with the charged paid amount. | |
object Use this object to inform the legal name of the final beneficiary, it could be your company's name or the company you are proving a service for. Final Beneficiary is a person or a company that will receive the amount paid . | |
Array of objects (RegisteredAccounts) [ items ] Registered accounts that are authorized to make the payment, if the QRCode payment is made through an account not present on this list, an automatic refund will be made. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "title": {
- "expireDate": "2024-12-31T23:59:59",
- "amountInCents": 8652,
- "instructions": "Esse Pix é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "Maria da Silva",
- "email": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "document": {
- "number": "34960826312",
- "type": "CPF"
Response samples
- 201
- 400
- 403
- 422
{- "id": "28018",
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientId": 1,
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "senderName": null,
- "senderHelpdesk": null,
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": "34960826312",
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": 17530,
- "digitableLine": "pix.example.com/qr/2353c790eefb11eaadc10242ac120002",
- "barCodeNumber": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": null,
- "document": null,
- "helpdesk": null
}, - "typePayin": "pix",
- "instructions": "Esse Pix é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2024-12-31 23:59:59",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:00.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [ ],
- "statusHistory": {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "id": 48859,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:04.000000Z"
}, - "refundMode": "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT",
- "refundAmountCents": 0,
- "payinRefunds": [ ],
- "payin_substatus": null,
- "kyc": null
Callback payload samples
{- "id": "28018",
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientId": 1,
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "senderName": null,
- "senderHelpdesk": null,
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": "34960826312",
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": 17530,
- "digitableLine": "pix.example.com/qr/2353c790eefb11eaadc10242ac120002",
- "barCodeNumber": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": null,
- "document": null,
- "helpdesk": null
}, - "typePayin": "pix",
- "instructions": "Esse Pix é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2024-12-31 23:59:59",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:00.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [ ],
- "statusHistory": {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "id": 48859,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:04.000000Z"
}, - "refundMode": "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT",
- "refundAmountCents": 0,
- "payinRefunds": [ ],
- "payin_substatus": null,
- "kyc": null
Create a new billet payment charge.
Create a new payment slip
fine.interest configuration
When creating a bank slip charge, the max interest amount allowed is 20%. Either Pixor Credit Card charges, the interest configuration remains the same.
Expiration date format
The expireDate
field in Boleto is formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD". Ex.: 2021-12-31
Possible charge statuses
; The first status when the payin is created. - PAYIN_CANCELED :
; Payin canceled due to expiration. - PAYIN_PAID :
; Payin was paid. - PAYIN_CREDITED :
; Payin was paid and the amount was credited on your wallet. - PAYIN_DROP_REQUESTED :
; Payin expiration requested.
Possible refund mode
When creating a charge, you must know how the wallet values will be debited if a refund is requested.
You can choose from the 3 options below
- FULL_REFUND_CLIENT: If none is informed, it will be selected by default. In this mode, the refund amount will be fully debited from the client wallet.
- FULL_REFUND_RECIPIENT: In this mode, the refund amount will be fully debited from the sub-portfolio or sub-client informed in the split. In this mode, the refund will only be allowed if you have a maximum of 1 split.
- REFUND_BY_SPLIT: In this mode, the refund amount will be debited proportionally as informed in the split and main wallet. In this mode, the refund will only be allowed if you have a maximum of 1 split.
Payment page
We provide you a simple payment page that renders the credit-card, boleto or Pix QR code so the user can access it and view the instructions to pay the charge. For security reasons, it is not possible to open the payment page within an iframe.
To use the page you will need the key
field that is returned in this method.
The payment page url is: https://pagar.goboleto.com/?hash={key}
In sandbox environment the page url is: https://pagar.sandbox.goboleto.com/?hash={key}
Request Body schema: application/json
clientId | integer or null <int32> Use of clientID to create payments. Is mandatory if there is more than one account under my umbrella. |
callbackUrl | string or null <uri> The url where we will submit the callbacks. |
customNumber | string Your identification number, it must be unique on our database. |
required | object Payment instructions. |
required | object Use this object to inform the legal name of the final beneficiary, it could be your company’s name or the company you are providing a service for. Final Beneficiary is a person or a company that will receive the amount paid . |
required | object The person that you are charging. |
object Discount when a certain date is reached. | |
object Fine when the expiration date is reached. | |
Array of objects[ items ] Splits are avaiable if you want to credit more than one wallet with the charged paid amount. | |
refundMode | string Default: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" Enum: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" "FULL_REFUND_RECIPIENT" "REFUND_BY_SPLIT" Enum of some refund options |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "customNumber": "1234",
- "title": {
- "expireDate": "2020-04-20",
- "amountInCents": 8652,
- "instructions": "Esse payin é referente à compra do produto X"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "Josefino da Silva",
- "document": {
- "number": "01234567890",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "address": {
- "street": "Rua da praça",
- "number": "123",
- "complement": "conjunto comercial",
- "zipCode": "99090900",
- "city": "Curitiba",
- "district": "Centro",
- "stateCode": "PR"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": "Sender name",
- "document": "Sender document",
- "helpdesk": "Sender helpdesk"
Response samples
- 201
{- "key": "5ec31949bfe92627afc96a8ed20126a1103ddb5534fasc20a9bb51df0934e412",
- "clientId": 0,
- "clientName": "Name",
- "buyerName": "Buyer",
- "buyerDocument": "00000000000",
- "customNumber": "0000000000",
- "ourNumber": "922222222222",
- "digitableLine": "00000.00000 00000.00000 00000.000000 0 00000000000000",
- "barCodeNumber": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
- "status": [
- {
- "id": 1
}, - {
- "name": "Criado"
], - "typePayin": "boleto",
- "amountCents": 5000,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2021-12-31 00:00:00",
- "createdAt": "2021-01-31T13:33:07.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [
- {
- "walletOwner": "client 1",
- "walletUUID": "wallet1",
- "percent": 40,
- "amountInCents": null
}, - {
- "walletOwner": "client 2",
- "walletUUID": "wallet 2",
- "percent": 60,
- "amountInCents": null
], - "statusHistory": [
- {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T13:33:10.000000Z"
], - "agreement": {
- "number": "666666",
- "digit": "6",
- "agency": "9999",
- "assignorCode": "9999/666666-6"
Callback payload samples
{- "id": "28018",
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientId": 1,
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "senderName": null,
- "senderHelpdesk": null,
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": "34960826312",
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": 17530,
- "digitableLine": "pix.example.com/qr/2353c790eefb11eaadc10242ac120002",
- "barCodeNumber": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": null,
- "document": null,
- "helpdesk": null
}, - "typePayin": "pix",
- "instructions": "Esse Pix é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2024-12-31 23:59:59",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:00.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [ ],
- "statusHistory": {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "id": 48859,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:04.000000Z"
}, - "refundMode": "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT",
- "refundAmountCents": 0,
- "payinRefunds": [ ],
- "payin_substatus": null,
- "kyc": null
Create a new credit card charge
About credit-card charges
Credit card charges are created as PAYIN_CREATED status. It goes from PAYIN_CREATED to PAYIN_AWAITING_APPROVAL when the checkout is requested.
The checkout can be done in 2 different ways:
- Payments page
- Transparent checkout
Payment page
We provide you a simple payment page where you can view the instructions and request the payment.
To use the page you will need the key
field, which is returned when you create the charge. For security reasons, it is not possible to open the payment page within an iframe.
The payment page url is: https://pagar.goboleto.com/?hash={key}
In sandbox environment the page url is: https://pagar.sandbox.goboleto.com/?hash={key}
After creating the charge, access to the credit-card checkout will be available via the URL of our payments page (in the description above).
The following additional information will be required to proceed with the checkout:
- Credit card number
- Cardholder Name
- Address (that will be the payer' credit-card billing address)
- Number of installments
Transparent checkout
The transparent checkout is a one-step process to create and pay the charge.
There is some additional data to request a transparent checkout.
When creating a credit-card charge, if the input checkout
is present within the payload the charge will be created and processed.
To get all required data to process a transparent checkout our SDK must be implemented.
For further information, please read our documentation in the link below about Transparent Checkout and how to integrate our SDK: https://docs.wepayout.co/pt/docs/payin/transparent_checkout/
Transparent checkout with stored credit-card
To perform the fast-checkout action, you only need to inform the card_id parameter inside the checkout object. This parameter refers to the saved credit card ID. To recover this parameter, just consult the list of cards saved for a customer.
2 endpoints are available for listing customer information and their saved cards:
List of customers for a given client: https://docs.wepayout.co/api/payin/#tag/Charge/operation/get-v1-clients-clientId-customers
List of cards for a given customer:
If you inform the card_id
parameter you MUST NOT inform token
and payment_method_id
Optional inputs (Payment page)
During the checkout process, we provide the option to redirect the user to a custom success or failure page (according to the transaction status). Here follows the options for redirection:
: The URL where the user will be redirected after a successful credit-card checkout.external_url.redirect_on_fail
: The URL where the user will be redirected after a failed credit-card checkout
You can also provide a custom image URL to be displayed at our payment page by sending the external_url.checkout_image_url
All 3 options are optional, and the user will be redirected to our default pages after the checkout if any of the redirect urls are present as well as the checkout image.
Expiration date format
The expireDate
field is formatted as "YYYY-MM-DDTH:I:S". Ex.: 2021-12-31T23:59:59
Possible charge statuses
; The first status when the payin is created. - PAYIN_CANCELED :
; Payin canceled due to expiration. - PAYIN_PAID :
; Payin was paid. - PAYIN_CREDITED :
; Payin was paid and the amount was credited on your wallet. - PAYIN_DROP_REQUESTED :
; Payin expiration requested. - PAYIN_AWAITING_APPROVAL :
; When the checkout is made, the charge goes from PAYIN_CREATED to PAYIN_AWAITING_APPROVAL (intermediate status) before the confirmation or any other payment final status occurs. - PAYIN_REJECTED :
; The payment was rejected and could not be processed.
Possible refund mode
When creating a charge, you must know how the wallet values will be debited if a refund is requested.
You can choose from the 3 options below
- FULL_REFUND_CLIENT: If none is informed, it will be selected by default. In this mode, the refund amount will be fully debited from the client wallet.
- FULL_REFUND_RECIPIENT: In this mode, the refund amount will be fully debited from the sub-portfolio or sub-client informed in the split. In this mode, the refund will only be allowed if you have a maximum of 1 split.
- REFUND_BY_SPLIT: In this mode, the refund amount will be debited proportionally as informed in the split and main wallet. In this mode, the refund will only be allowed if you have a maximum of 1 split.
Regarding the safety of our customers, it is very important to emphasize that we DO NOT keep any information about the credit-card and all credit-card information filled in the checkout page are only used once to confirm the transaction.
For any further questions you can contact us through our customer service channels.
Request Body schema: application/json
callbackUrl | string <uri> The url where we will submit the callbacks. |
customNumber | string <= 255 characters Your identification number, it must be unique on our database. |
clientId | integer or null <int32> The use of clientID to create payments. Is mandatory if there is more than one account under the same clientId. |
required | object Payment instructions. |
required | object The person that you are charging object. |
refundMode | string Default: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" Enum: "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT" "FULL_REFUND_RECIPIENT" "REFUND_BY_SPLIT" Enum of some refund options. |
Array of objects[ items ] Splits are avaiable if you want to credit more than one wallet with the charged paid amount. | |
required | object REQUIRED FOR CREDIT-CARD CHARGES. Use this object to inform the legal name of the final beneficiary, it could be your company’s name or the company you are proving a service for. Final Beneficiary is a person or a company that will receive the amount paid trough the boleto. |
object Payer infromations. | |
statement_descriptor required | string^\S{1,13}\z Short description shown at the credit-card bill. |
required | Array of objects non-empty [ items ] Array with product metadata. |
use_3ds | integer or null Default: null Enum: 0 1 null Flag to inform that the charge must validate through three d secure mode |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "customNumber": "1234",
- "title": {
- "expireDate": "2020-04-20",
- "amountInCents": 8652,
- "instructions": "Esse payin é referente à compra do produto X"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "Josefino da Silva",
- "document": {
- "number": "01234567890",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "address": {
- "street": "Rua da praça",
- "number": "123",
- "complement": "conjunto comercial",
- "zipCode": "99090900",
- "city": "Curitiba",
- "district": "Centro",
- "stateCode": "PR"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": "Sender name",
- "document": "Sender document",
- "helpdesk": "Sender helpdesk"
Response samples
- 201
- 403
- 404
{- "id": "28018",
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientId": 1,
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "senderName": null,
- "senderHelpdesk": null,
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": "34960826312",
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": null,
- "digitableLine": null,
- "barCodeNumber": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "awaiting approval"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": null,
- "document": null,
- "helpdesk": null
}, - "typePayin": "credit-card",
- "instructions": "Esse Pagamento é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2024-12-31 23:59:59",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:00.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [ ],
- "statusHistory": [
- {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - {
- "status": {
- "id": 6,
- "name": "awaiting approval"
}, - "id": 48859,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:04.000000Z"
], - "refundMode": "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT",
- "refundAmountCents": 0,
- "payinRefunds": [ ],
- "payin_substatus": null,
- "kyc": null,
- "installments": [ ],
- "hasAdvancement": true,
- "use3ds": false
Callback payload samples
{- "id": "28018",
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientId": 1,
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "senderName": null,
- "senderHelpdesk": null,
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": "34960826312",
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": 17530,
- "digitableLine": "pix.example.com/qr/2353c790eefb11eaadc10242ac120002",
- "barCodeNumber": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "sender": {
- "name": null,
- "document": null,
- "helpdesk": null
}, - "typePayin": "pix",
- "instructions": "Esse Pix é referente ao pedido 123 na loja abcd",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": null,
- "paidAt": null,
- "expiresAt": "2024-12-31 23:59:59",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:00.000000Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "splits": [ ],
- "statusHistory": {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Created"
}, - "id": 48859,
- "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T19:15:04.000000Z"
}, - "refundMode": "FULL_REFUND_CLIENT",
- "refundAmountCents": 0,
- "payinRefunds": [ ],
- "payin_substatus": null,
- "kyc": null
Returns a payin by KEY.
You can check the payin using one of it's identifications parameters. Every transaction will generate a unique id
code, key
code, with this codes you will find the charge.
path Parameters
key required | integer Value corresponding to the key being entered. |
keyType required | string Enum: "id" "key" "ourNumber" Example: key Type of key that will be used when querying a charge. |
Response samples
- 200
- 403
- 404
{- "id": 23644,
- "key": "e1ebf9d914174902a76a5af436f091d09cca0b1e9ad8984b5dcdfeead67ce6b8",
- "clientName": "Your company",
- "buyerName": "Maria da Silva",
- "buyerDocument": 34960826312,
- "buyerEmail": "buyer-email@wepayments.com.br",
- "customNumber": "YOUR-CODE1234",
- "ourNumber": 17530,
- "digitableLine": "21890.01007 03115.798807 57888.867884 4 96430000005074",
- "barCodeNumber": "21894964300000050740010003115798805788886788",
- "status": {
- "name": 3,
- "id": "paid"
}, - "typePayin": "boleto",
- "amountCents": 8652,
- "paidAmountCents": 8652,
- "paidAt": "2024-02-25T14:15:22Z",
- "expiresAt": "2024-03-24T14:15:22Z",
- "createdAt": "2024-02-24T14:15:22Z",
- "fine": null,
- "discount": null,
- "statusHistory": [
- {
- "status": {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "paid"
}, - "updatedAt": "2024-02-25T14:15:22Z"
}, - {
- "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "created"
}, - "updatedAt": "2024-02-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "sender": {
- "name": "Final beneficiary name",
- "document": 66917404000152,
- "helpdesk": "final-beneficiary.com.br"
}, - "payinRefunds": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "payinId": 1,
- "statusId": 2,
- "user": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Usuário de Teste"
}, - "clientId": 1,
- "amountCents": 100,
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "statusId": 1,
- "name": "Solicitado",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:47.000000Z"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "statusId": 2,
- "name": "Pago",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:49.000000Z"
], - "endToEndId": "EFASA321654987456ASAS123",
- "reason": "Devolvendo valores de teste",
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:03.000000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:05.000000Z"
], - "refundAmountCents": 1000,
- "reason_canceled": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "agreement": {
- "number": "666666",
- "digit": "6",
- "agency": "9999",
- "assignorCode": "9999/666666-6"
Credit card status
Retrieves information about a credit-card charge current status
path Parameters
key required | integer The Key of the payin. |
Response samples
- 200
- 404
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "key": "string",
- "status_id": 0,
- "status_detail": 0,
- "status_detail_description": "string",
- "external_urls": {
- "redirect_on_success": "string",
- "redirect_on_fail": "string"
}, - "can_checkout": true,
- "three_ds_data": {
- "external_resource_url": "string",
- "creq": "string"
}, - "message": "string"
Request Payin Cancelation
Request cancelation for Payins of a type boleto
or pix
Payins must be created for at least the following time to be reason_canceled:
5 minutes
30 minutes
Only Payins in status = created
can be canceled. Payins in any other status will no be canceled
Payins will be canceled instantly
Payins requires at least 1 day to change its status from drop requested
to canceled
since its cancelling process must wait a response from the processor
path Parameters
id required | string Identification of the Payin which is being canceled |
Response samples
- 200
- 422
{- "status": true,
- "data": { },
- "message": "string"
Customer credit-card list
List of credit-cards from a given customer
path Parameters
customerId required | string Customer ID |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 123,
- "holder": "John Doe",
- "card_last_four": "5214",
- "payment_method_id": "visa",
- "expiry_date": "01/2023"
Creates a recipient to be used on splits.
path Parameters
clientId required | integer The Client ID. |
Request Body schema: application/json
name required | string recipient's name. |
bank_code required | string bank code is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
bank_branch required | string bank branch is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
bank_branch_digit required | string bank branch digit is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account required | string account is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account_digit required | string account digit is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account_type required | string Value: "\"c\" for checking and \"s\" for savings" account type is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
pix_key required | string Pixkey is mandatory if the bank data is empty |
email required | string recipient's e-mail. |
document required | string recipient's document number. |
document_type required | string Value: "\"cpf\" or \"cnpj\"" recipient's document type. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Recipient",
- "bank_code": "001",
- "bank_branch": "6955",
- "bank_branch_digit": "0",
- "account": "1146208",
- "account_digit": "6",
- "account_type": "c",
- "pix_key": "01234567890",
- "email": "recipient1@gmail.com",
- "document": "01234567890",
- "document_type": "cpf"
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 5,
- "wallet_uuid": "3e40f8f1-9f70-4f5d-97f9-90483027dfaa",
- "name": "My Recipient",
- "bank_code": "001",
- "bank_name": "001 - BANCO DO BRASIL S/A",
- "bank_branch": "6955",
- "bank_branch_digit": "0",
- "account": "1146208",
- "account_digit": "6",
- "account_type": "c",
- "pix_key": "01234567890",
- "document": "01234567890",
- "document_type": "cpf",
- "email": "recipient1@gmail.com",
- "created_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z",
- "updated_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z"
}, - "message": "Recipient created"
Updates a recipient.
path Parameters
clientId required | integer The Client ID. |
recipientId required | integer The Recipient ID. |
Request Body schema: application/json
name required | string recipient's name. |
bank_code required | string bank code is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
bank_branch required | string bank branch is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
bank_branch_digit required | string bank branch digit is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account required | string account is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account_digit required | string account digit is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
account_type required | string Value: "\"c\" for checking and \"s\" for savings" account type is mandatory if Pixkey is empety. |
pix_key required | string Pixkey is mandatory if the bank data is empty |
email required | string recipient's e-mail. |
document required | string recipient's document number. |
document_type required | string Value: "\"cpf\" or \"cnpj\"" recipient's document type. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "My Recipient",
- "bank_code": "001",
- "bank_branch": "6955",
- "bank_branch_digit": "0",
- "account": "1146208",
- "account_digit": "6",
- "account_type": "c",
- "pix_key": "01234567890",
- "email": "recipient1@gmail.com",
- "document": "01234567890",
- "document_type": "cpf"
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 5,
- "wallet_uuid": "3e40f8f1-9f70-4f5d-97f9-90483027dfaa",
- "name": "My Recipient",
- "bank_code": "001",
- "bank_name": "001 - BANCO DO BRASIL S/A",
- "bank_branch": "6955",
- "bank_branch_digit": "0",
- "account": "1146208",
- "account_digit": "6",
- "account_type": "c",
- "pix_key": "01234567890",
- "document": "01234567890",
- "document_type": "cpf",
- "email": "recipient1@gmail.com",
- "created_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z",
- "updated_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z"
}, - "message": "Recipient created"
Get recipient by ID.
Return a recipient information using it's ID
path Parameters
clientId required | integer The Client ID. |
recipientId required | integer The Recipient ID. |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 5,
- "wallet_uuid": "3e40f8f1-9f70-4f5d-97f9-90483027dfaa",
- "name": "My Recipient",
- "bank_code": "001",
- "bank_name": "001 - BANCO DO BRASIL S/A",
- "bank_branch": "6955",
- "bank_branch_digit": "0",
- "account": "1146208",
- "account_digit": "6",
- "account_type": "c",
- "pix_key": "01234567890",
- "document": "01234567890",
- "document_type": "cpf",
- "email": "recipient1@gmail.com",
- "created_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z",
- "updated_at": "2020-07-20T13:19:10.000000Z"
Create withdrawal for recipient
path Parameters
clientId required | string Your client id |
header Parameters
Accept | string application/json |
Content-Type | string application/json |
Request Body schema: application/json
amount_cents required | integer <int64> [ 1 .. 99999999 ] Withdrawal amount in cents. |
recipient_id | integer or null Your recipient id |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "amount_cents": 10000,
- "recipient_id": 0
Response samples
- 201
{- "id": 0,
- "client": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "status": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "amount_cents": 0,
- "bank_branch": "string",
- "bank_branch_digit": "string",
- "pix_key": "string",
- "account": "string",
- "account_digit": "string",
- "payout_sent": 0,
- "notes": "string",
- "custom_code": "string",
- "converted_amount_cents": 0,
- "exchange_rate": 0,
- "exchange_bank": "string",
- "file_location": "string",
- "created_at": "string",
- "updated_at": "string",
- "bank": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "code": "string"
Get client balance by ID.
Returns a client or recipient balance
path Parameters
clientId required | integer The Client ID. |
query Parameters
recipientId | string Use this if you want to retrieve a specific recipient balance |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "balance": 10000,
- "available_balance_cents": 9319,
- "updated_at": "2020-07-20T10:55:38-03:00"
}, - "message": "Client balance amount in cents"
Create Refund
Create a new refund.
To initiate the refund, the unique identifier of the Pix payment or credit card must be informed in the "payinId" parameter.
Possible refunds statuses
status_code | status | explanation |
2 |
REQUESTED | Refund requested. |
4 |
PAID | Refund was paid. |
5 |
ERROR | Refund Error. |
Some important rules
- Only charges credited to the wallet can be refunded.
- The customer must have at least the refund amount available in the wallet
- Pix , can only be returned with 90 days or less. Credit card , 180 days or less.
path Parameters
payinId required | string Identification of the charge to be refunded |
Request Body schema: application/json
amountCents required | integer [ 0 .. 10000000 ] Amount to be refunded |
reason | string [ 1 .. 191 ] characters Reason for refund |
callbackUrl | string [ 1 .. 191 ] characters URL for sending the webhook |
Array of objects[ items ] Only if in the creation of the charge was informed in the field "refundMode" the value: "REFUND_BY_SPLIT" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "amountCents": 10000,
- "reason": "refund reason",
Response samples
- 201
- 403
- 404
{- "id": 1,
- "payinId": 1,
- "statusId": 2,
- "user": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Usuário de Teste"
}, - "clientId": 1,
- "amountCents": 100,
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "statusId": 1,
- "name": "Solicitado",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:47.000000Z"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "statusId": 2,
- "name": "Pago",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:49.000000Z"
], - "endToEndId": "EFASA321654987456ASAS123",
- "reason": "Devolvendo valores de teste",
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:03.000000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:05.000000Z"
Get Refund by id
Returns the refund using its unique identifier
path Parameters
payinRefundId required | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 403
- 404
{- "id": 1,
- "payinId": 1,
- "statusId": 2,
- "user": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Usuário de Teste"
}, - "clientId": 1,
- "amountCents": 100,
- "statuses": [
- {
- "id": 1,
- "statusId": 1,
- "name": "Solicitado",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:47.000000Z"
}, - {
- "id": 2,
- "statusId": 2,
- "name": "Pago",
- "notification": 1,
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:14:49.000000Z"
], - "endToEndId": "EFASA321654987456ASAS123",
- "reason": "Devolvendo valores",
- "createdAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:03.000000Z",
- "updatedAt": "2022-03-11T17:31:05.000000Z"
List Subscription
List the subscriptions
query Parameters
id | number Subscription code |
buyer_document | string Buyer Document |
invoice | string Invoice |
status_id | string Enum: "21" "22" "23" Subscription Status Id |
client_id | string Client Code |
created_before | string Created before |
created_after | string Created after |
per_page | string Per page |
page | string Page |
sort | string Enum: "ASC" "DESC" sort |
order_by | string Order By |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "invoice": "string",
- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "client": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "status": {
- "id": 21,
- "name": "ACTIVE"
}, - "instructions": "string",
- "amountCents": 0,
- "sender": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "helpdesk": "string"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "document": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "dateNextIssue": "2019-08-24",
- "dateLastPaid": "2019-08-24",
- "dateFirst": "2019-08-24",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "MONTHLY",
- "quantity": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Create Subscription
Create a new subscription
Attention points
- When selecting
for subscription frequency, the maximum value allowed for thedateFirt
field is 7 - When selecting
for subscription frequency, the maximum value allowed for thedateFirt
field is 30 - The charges generated from the subscription are of the Pix type
- Subscription only sends webhook to expired status.
- The same value entered for
will be used to notify billing and subscription statuses.
Request Body schema: application/json
invoice required | string [ 1 .. 191 ] characters |
callbackUrl | string [ 1 .. 191 ] characters The callback for we send status updates. |
instructions required | string non-empty Subscription instructions. |
amountCents required | integer The subscription amount is in cents. |
object Sender details. | |
required | object Buyer details. |
dateFirst required | string <date> non-empty The first subscription payment. |
daysBeforeExpiration required | integer The number of days before expiration to send an email to remind the buyer about the subscription charge. |
frequency required | string non-empty Enum: "WEEKLY" "MONTHLY" The subscription frequency. |
quantity | integer >= 2 The number of months or weeks for the subscription depends on the option you choose in the |
clientId required | integer The client whom you are charging. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "invoice": "string",
- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "instructions": "string",
- "amountCents": 0,
- "sender": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "helpdesk": "string"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "document": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "dateFirst": "string",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "string",
- "quantity": "string",
- "clientId": 0
Response samples
- 201
- 422
{- "id": 0,
- "invoice": "string",
- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "client": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "status": {
- "id": 21,
- "name": "ACTIVE"
}, - "instructions": "string",
- "amountCents": 0,
- "sender": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "helpdesk": "string"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "document": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "dateNextIssue": "2019-08-24",
- "dateLastPaid": "2019-08-24",
- "dateFirst": "2019-08-24",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "MONTHLY",
- "quantity": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get Subscription By ID
path Parameters
id required | string Subscription Code |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "invoice": "string",
- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "client": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "status": {
- "id": 21,
- "name": "ACTIVE"
}, - "instructions": "string",
- "amountCents": 0,
- "sender": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "helpdesk": "string"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "dateNextIssue": "2019-08-24",
- "dateLastPaid": "2019-08-24",
- "dateFirst": "2019-08-24",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "MONTHLY",
- "quantity": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Cancel Subscription By ID
path Parameters
id required | string Subscription Code |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "id": 0,
- "invoice": "string",
- "callbackUrl": "string",
- "client": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "status": {
- "id": 1,
- "name": "ACTIVE"
}, - "instructions": "string",
- "amountCents": 0,
- "sender": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": "string",
- "helpdesk": "string"
}, - "buyer": {
- "name": "string",
- "document": {
- "number": "string",
- "type": "CPF"
}, - "dateNextIssue": "2019-08-24",
- "dateLastPaid": "2019-08-24",
- "dateFirst": "2019-08-24",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "MONTHLY",
- "quantity": "string",
- "createdAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "updatedAt": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
Get Preview
Creates preview of the due date and generation date of future charges.
A total of maximum 6 charges will be returned.
Request Body schema: application/json
dateFirst required | string <date> non-empty First subscription payment. |
daysBeforeExpiration required | integer If |
frequency required | string non-empty Enum: "WEEKLY" "MONTHLY" Frequency of the subscription payment. |
quantity | integer >= 2 Number of payments in the list. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "dateFirst": "string",
- "daysBeforeExpiration": 0,
- "frequency": "string",
- "quantity": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 422
[- {
- "index": 0,
- "dateExpiration": "string",
- "dateIssue": "string"
Create Sub-Merchant
Request Body schema: application/json
parent_id required | integer Your client id, informed by WE |
company_name required | string <= 255 characters Name for your sub merchant registration |
type required | string Enum: "national" "crossborder" |
name required | string <= 255 characters Second name for your sub merchant registration, this will appear in the reports. |
legal_name required | string Legal name of your sub-merchant |
legal_entity_number | string Your sub merchant's legal document |
owner_name required | string <= 45 characters Name of the legal representative of the sub merchant |
fee_paid_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per paid billet. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer.client. |
fee_dropped_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per dropped billet. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_paid_pix_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per paid pix. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_dropped_pix_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per dropped pix. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_withdrawal_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Fee in cents per paid withdrawal. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Fee in cents per withdrawal paid from recipient. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
delay_credit_days required | integer [ 0 .. 30 ] Default: 0 delay in |
contact_email required | string <email> <= 100 characters Contact email |
contact_phone required | string <= 45 characters Default: null Phone email |
withdrawal_min_amount_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: 0 Minimum amount (in cents) in the account to allow a withdrawal |
add_withdrawal_recurring_cron | integer [ 0 .. 1 ] Default: 0 Enum: 1 0 Enable or disable automatic daily withdrawal. |
pix_key | string Pixkey, used to carry out withdrawal transactions. It can be in the format of phone, email, cpf, cnpj and random key. |
address | string <= 255 characters |
city | string <= 45 characters |
state | string <= 20 characters |
zip_code | string <= 20 characters |
bank_branch_digit | string <= 45 characters It's going to be solicited for national merchants, but it's not mandatory |
bank_id | string Required when the merchant is national and the |
bank_branch | string <= 45 characters Required when the merchant is national and the |
account | string <= 45 characters Required when the merchant is national and the |
account_type | string <= 1 characters Required when the merchant is national and the |
account_digit | string <= 45 characters Required when the merchant is national and the |
crossborder_account | string <= 255 characters Required when the merchant is international. |
withdrawal_currency_id | string Required when the merchant is international. |
Array of objects[ items ] Fee by credit card paid. May be null if you do not use the product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "parent_id": 3214,
- "company_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "type": "national",
- "name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "legal_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "legal_entity_number": "11222333444455",
- "owner_name": "Owner Name by Sub 01",
- "fee_paid_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_cents": 1,
- "fee_paid_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "delay_credit_days": 0,
- "contact_email": "my-email@domain.com.br",
- "pix_key": "pix-key",
- "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
- "withdrawal_limit_percent": 0,
- "withdrawal_min_amount_cents": 0,
- "add_withdrawal_recurring_cron": 0,
- "fee_credit_card": [
- {
- "installment": 1,
- "fee": 1.99
}, - {
- "installment": 2,
- "fee": 2.99
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 3215,
- "name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "wallet_uuid": "15bba482-4461-4523-8bc3-49f697756fff",
- "legal_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "owner_name": "Owner Name by Sub 01",
- "legal_entity_number": "11222333444455",
- "pix_key": "593c59bb-1de2-456e-8c35-e1f9432344b7",
- "fee_paid_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_cents": 1,
- "fee_paid_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "fee_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "delay_credit_days": 0,
- "contact_email": "my-email@domain.com.br",
- "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
- "active": 1,
- "type": "national",
- "logo": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "fee_credit_card": [
- {
- "installment": 1,
- "fee": 1.99
}, - {
- "installment": 2,
- "fee": 2.99
], - "has_advancing": 1,
- "client_contract": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 666,
- "withdrawal_limit_percent": 0,
- "withdrawal_min_amount_cents": 0,
- "withdrawal_recurring_cron": null,
- "add_withdrawal_recurring_cron": 0
}, - "client_notification_config": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 444,
- "email_expiring_days": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "deleted_at": null
}, - "message": "Client created"
Get Clients or Sub-merchant
Check your client or sub-merchant registration data.
path Parameters
id required | string Your client id or sub merchant id |
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 3215,
- "name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "wallet_uuid": "15bba482-4461-4523-8bc3-49f697756fff",
- "legal_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "owner_name": "Owner Name by Sub 01",
- "legal_entity_number": "11222333444455",
- "pix_key": "593c59bb-1de2-456e-8c35-e1f9432344b7",
- "fee_paid_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_cents": 1,
- "fee_paid_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "fee_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "delay_credit_days": 0,
- "contact_email": "my-email@domain.com.br",
- "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
- "active": 1,
- "type": "national",
- "logo": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "fee_credit_card": [
- {
- "installment": 1,
- "fee": 1.99
}, - {
- "installment": 2,
- "fee": 2.99
], - "has_advancing": 1,
- "client_contract": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 666,
- "withdrawal_limit_percent": 0,
- "withdrawal_min_amount_cents": 0,
- "withdrawal_recurring_cron": null,
- "add_withdrawal_recurring_cron": 0
}, - "client_notification_config": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 444,
- "email_expiring_days": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "deleted_at": null
}, - "message": "Client created"
Update Client or Sub-merchant
path Parameters
id required | string Your client id or sub merchant id |
Request Body schema: application/json
id | integer Your client id or sub-merchant id |
type required | string Enum: "national" "crossborder" |
name required | string <= 255 characters Second name for your sub merchant registration. It will be shown in the reports. |
legal_name required | string Legal name of your sub-merchant |
legal_entity_number | string Your sub merchant's legal document |
owner_name required | string <= 45 characters Name of the legal representative of the sub merchant |
fee_paid_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per paid billet. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer.client. |
fee_dropped_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per dropped billet. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_paid_pix_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per paid pix. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_dropped_pix_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: null Fee in cents per dropped pix. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_withdrawal_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Fee in cents per paid withdrawal. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Fee in cents per withdrawal paid from recipient. Enter null if you don't use the product, otherwise it must be greater than or equal to the parent customer. |
delay_credit_days required | integer [ 0 .. 30 ] Default: 0 delay in |
contact_email required | string <email> <= 100 characters Contact email |
contact_phone required | string <= 45 characters Default: null Phone email |
withdrawal_min_amount_cents required | integer [ 0 .. 999999999 ] Default: 0 Minimum amount (in cents) in the account to allow a withdrawal |
add_withdrawal_recurring_cron | integer [ 0 .. 1 ] Default: 0 Enum: 1 0 Enable or disable automatic daily withdrawal. |
bank_branch_digit | string <= 45 characters Required when the merchant is national and the |
bank_id | string Required when the merchant is national and the |
bank_branch | string Required when the merchant is national and the |
account_type | string Required when the merchant is national and the |
account_digit | string Required when the merchant is national and the |
pix_key | string Required when the merchant is national and when the other bank data is empty. |
crossborder_account | string <= 255 characters Required when the merchant is international. |
withdrawal_currency_id | string Required when the merchant is international. |
address | string <= 255 characters |
city | string <= 45 characters |
state | string <= 20 characters |
zip_code | string <= 20 characters |
Array of objects[ items ] Fee by credit card paid. May be null if you do not use the product. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": {
- "id": 3215,
- "type": "national",
- "name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "legal_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "legal_entity_number": "11222333444455",
- "owner_name": "Owner Name by Sub 01",
- "fee_paid_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_cents": 1,
- "fee_paid_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "delay_credit_days": 0,
- "contact_email": "my-email@domain.com.br",
- "pix_key": "pix-key",
- "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
- "withdrawal_limit_percent": 0,
- "withdrawal_min_amount_cents": 0,
- "add_withdrawal_recurring_cron": 0,
- "fee_credit_card": [
- {
- "installment": 1,
- "fee": 1.99
}, - {
- "installment": 2,
- "fee": 2.99
Response samples
- 200
{- "status": true,
- "data": {
- "id": 3215,
- "name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "wallet_uuid": "15bba482-4461-4523-8bc3-49f697756fff",
- "legal_name": "Company Name Sub 01",
- "owner_name": "Owner Name by Sub 01",
- "legal_entity_number": "11222333444455",
- "pix_key": "593c59bb-1de2-456e-8c35-e1f9432344b7",
- "fee_paid_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_cents": 1,
- "fee_paid_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_dropped_pix_cents": 1,
- "fee_recipient_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "fee_withdrawal_cents": 0,
- "delay_credit_days": 0,
- "contact_email": "my-email@domain.com.br",
- "contact_phone": "(99) 99999-9999",
- "active": 1,
- "type": "national",
- "logo": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 00:00:00",
- "fee_credit_card": [
- {
- "installment": 1,
- "fee": 1.99
}, - {
- "installment": 2,
- "fee": 2.99
], - "has_advancing": 1,
- "client_contract": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 666,
- "withdrawal_limit_percent": 0,
- "withdrawal_min_amount_cents": 0,
- "withdrawal_recurring_cron": null,
- "add_withdrawal_recurring_cron": 0
}, - "client_notification_config": {
- "id": 11,
- "client_id": 444,
- "email_expiring_days": null,
- "created_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "updated_at": "2023-01-17 10:58:41",
- "deleted_at": null
}, - "message": "Client created"
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 999,
- "name": "BANK",
- "code": "999"
KYC inquiry by document
The documents that can be used in inquiries are CPF or CNPJ. The document must be sent with numbers only, without any dashes or dots. The most recent KYC for the provided document will always be returned if it exists; otherwise, an empty array will be returned.
path Parameters
cpf-or-cnpj required | string |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 348,
- "origin_request": "PAYOUT",
- "description": " Compliance approved KYC without document upload",
- "info_add": null,
- "created_at": "2022-06-14 17:15:41",
- "updated_at": "2023-10-03 16:01:28",
- "merchant": "Merchant Name",
- "submerchant": null,
- "status": {
- "id": 3,
- "name": "Approved"
}, - "reason": {
- "id": 17,
- "name": "Payout: Limit BRL 100K Usual"
}, - "persons": [
- {
- "id": 390,
- "name": "Person name",
- "legal_name": null,
- "document": "83562580061",
- "type_person": "Beneficiary"
], - "document_required": [
- {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Document proving the origin and destination of the operation"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Proof of residence"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Personal document"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Beneficiary Full Name"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Email"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Phone"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Nationality"
}, - {
- "status": true,
- "label": "Profession (Occupation)"
], - "documents": [
- {
- "id": 652,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 1,
- "document_name": "invoice",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Document proving the origin and destination of the operation",
- "type_field": "file",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 653,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 2,
- "document_name": "address",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Proof of residence",
- "type_field": "file",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 654,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 3,
- "document_name": "personal-document",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Personal document",
- "type_field": "file",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 655,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 5,
- "document_name": "full-name-beneficiary",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "value_field": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Beneficiary Full Name",
- "type_field": "text",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 656,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 7,
- "document_name": "email",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "value_field": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Email",
- "type_field": "text",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 657,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 8,
- "document_name": "phone",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "value_field": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Phone",
- "type_field": "text",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 658,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 11,
- "document_name": "nationality",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "value_field": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Nationality",
- "type_field": "text",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
}, - {
- "id": 659,
- "status_id": 3,
- "status_name": "Approved",
- "document_id": 9,
- "document_name": "profession",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "value_field": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "Profession (Occupation)",
- "type_field": "text",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
], - "early_kyc_ids": [ ]
Send cbd documents
Attention points
- Supported extensions:
jpg, jpeg, gif, png and pdf
- The maximum size of all files added together is:
- The field
can have a maximum of255 characters
path Parameters
payinId required | string Payin ID |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
fatura | any |
autorizacao_anvisa | any |
receituario_medico | any |
personal_document | any |
codigo_rastreio_transportadora | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 422
{- "fatura": "string",
- "autorizacao_anvisa": "string",
- "receituario_medico": "string",
- "personal_document": "string",
- "codigo_rastreio_transportadora": "string"
Submit a document for KYC
This route is used to submit documents for a pending KYC. There are two types of documents that can be submitted:
- Text-type documents
- File-type documents
Only one document can be updated at a time.
Attention point
- Supported extensions for file-type documents :
jpg, jpeg, gif, png and pdf
path Parameters
documentId required | string |
Request Body schema: application/jsonapplication/jsonmultipart/form-data
value required | string <= 250 characters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": "test"
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 5891,
- "status_id": 2,
- "status_name": "Waiting Approval Documents",
- "document_id": 35,
- "document_name": "kyc/qsa",
- "collection_name": null,
- "collection_id": null,
- "rejection_reason": null,
- "label": "KYC/QSA",
- "type_field": "file",
- "required_field": true,
- "expires_at": null,
- "automaticatic_validation": 0
List all your transactions
path Parameters
clientId required | string Client ID |
query Parameters
id | any Unique identifier of the transaction. |
entity | any The entity associated with the transaction. |
impacted_balance | any Specifies whether the transaction impacted the account balance (e.g., "a", "b" or "ab"). |
page | any The current page of results to retrieve in a paginated response. |
per_page | any The number of items to display per page in a paginated response. |
created_after | any Filter to include transactions created after the specified date. |
created_before | any Filter to include transactions created before the specified date. |
entity_id | any Unique identifier of the entity associated with the transaction. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "amount_cents": 0,
- "available_balance_cents": 0,
- "balance_cents": 0,
- "reserve_balance_cents": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "entity": "string",
- "entity_id": 0,
- "impacted_balance": "string",
- "created_at": "string"