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Test Cards

Everything you need to know about test cards

Cards for testing

Here there are some testing cards.

CardNumberCVCDue Date
Mastercard5031 4332 1540 635112311/25
Visa4235 6477 2802 568212311/25
Amex3753 651535 56885123411/25

Documents for Scenarios

The result of the payment of the charge is linked to the document, so it is important that when creating the charge the document is informed according to the expected result.

34960826312confirmedApproved payment.
45131141265rejectedReview the card expiration date.
20824575598rejectedReview the data on the card.
38433397400rejectedReview the card security code.
10332204502rejectedCard disabled/ blocked.
58125837736rejectedYou have already made a payment with this amount. If you need to pay again, use another card or other form of payment
27943312562rejectedInsufficient balance to carry out this transaction.
87782317525rejectedThe card issuing bank declined payment. Please use another card or contact your bank.


In cases of status Rejected it is possible after the generation of the error, try to pay the charge again, but this made in order to approve the payment. To approve a rejected payment, on retentativa simply use a flag card VISA.


Visa4235 6477 2802 568212311/25


Charges that have been confirmed may be chargeback, the chargeback status is tied to the Reason entered in the chargeback request.

APROApproved refund
REJECTrejected refund
CANCELcancelled refund

Any other Reason informed from the mapped scenarios returns default error fallback.