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Following the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Policy ("PLDFT" in Portuguese) and its annexes, WEpayments, striving for better transparency and service provision, is constantly updating in order to improve its transactional monitoring.

For this reason, in order to ensure that payments processed by WePayments are in compliance, the beneficiary's document, whether an individual or a legal entity, is checked against restrictive lists.

What are these restrictive lists?

The restrictive lists are databases to identify people and companies that are configured with some restriction or that have already been involved, in some way, with illegal activities and crimes, such as:

  • money laundry,
  • terrorist financing,
  • labor analogous to slavery, and
  • environmental crimes, among others.

The objective of these lists is precisely to facilitate the identification of individuals and legal entities that may pose risks to the company's business.

Reasons and Descriptions

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number on OFAC list
In this case, the beneficiary's document appears on the OFAC sanctions list (Office of Foreign Assets Control). Its presence on this list indicates possible involvement in international crimes or illicit activities according to this intelligence and financial enforcement agency of the US Treasury Department.

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number on INTERPOL list
In this case, the beneficiary's document appears on one of the international restrictive lists of INTERPOL (International Organization of Criminal Police).

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number on UN list
In this case, the beneficiary's document appears on the sanctions list of the UN Security Council (United Nations), which registers people and companies that are monitored and blocked for involvement in activities considered to be possibly threatening to foreign policies and the international security.

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number on EUROPEAN list
In this case, the beneficiary's document appears on the list of international sanctions maintained by the European Union (also EU SANCTION LIST, UNSC, GOV.UK), which keeps records of people who are blocked for engaging in activities considered threatening to foreign policies.

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number is disabled (deceased)
In this case, the beneficiary's document appears with a deactivated tax situation due to death according to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office (“RFB” in Portuguese)

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number is PEP (Politically Exposed Person)
For this reason, the beneficiary's document belongs to a person declared as a PEP (Politically Exposed Person), having a record as a public agent who performs or has performed, in the last five years, positions, jobs or relevant public functions. For this verification, the sources are various sectors/entities of the Public Administration, such as: TCU, Federal Chamber, Federal Senate, Ministry of Economy, CGU and others.

- Canceled by Compliance - Tax number blocked on RFB (Brazilian Federal Revenue Office)
In this case, the beneficiary's registration data is in an irregular tax status with the Brazilian Federal Revenue Office. It is necessary that the beneficiary check directly with the Revenue the reason and how to proceed to regularize their situation.