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Rejection reasons

Eventually the payments will not be finished as desired, meaning they end up as Canceled or rejected. There are multiple reasons for that and each processor might have its own way to describe the issue that prevented the payment to be successful.

In order to facilitate your understanding about the payments´ rejection reasons we are frequently reviewing the bank's rejection reasons and translating to you in an easy way.

Here are the current list of rejection reasons

#List of rejection reasons
1Rejected by bank.The beneficiary's bank rejected the payment attempt. It is necessary for the beneficiary to contact their bank directly to verify the reason for the rejection.
2Invalid document ID.The CPF/CNPJ number informed is incorrect.
3Blocked account.The beneficiary's account is blocked and does not receive payments.
4Divergent beneficiary.It indicates a divergence of ownership, that is, the account data does not correspond to the CPF or CNPJ entered.
5Wrong bank account or branch.The bank details provided are incorrect.
6Wrong bank code.The bank code entered does not correspond to the branch and account informed.
7Wrong bank branch.Only the bank branch number informed is incorrect. The bank branch must contain 4 or 5 digits only.
8Wrong bank account.Only the bank account number entered is incorrect. The bank account is usually 7 to 9 digits long.
9*Wrong name.The name entered does not correspond to the name of the account holder.
10Wrong bank details.The bank details provided are incorrect. (same as item 5)
11Payment duplicated, invoice alredy used.There is already a payment in the system that used the same invoice, so this new payment could not be processed.
13Client requested payment cancelation.The customer requested the cancellation of the payment.
14The payment amount is above the allowed for the account type.The beneficiary's account has a receiving limit that did not allow receiving the payment amount. (includes other payments already received by the beneficiary)
15Irregular CPF.The beneficiary's CPF is irregular or suspended in the Federal Revenue's database. Some banks do not allow the beneficiary to receive payments if they have this type of restriction.
16Cancelation requested by client.The customer requested the cancellation of the payment. (same as item 13)
17*Invalid Pix Key.The pix key provided is invalid or non-existent and payment could not be completed using it.
18Value exceed the max amount.The beneficiary's account has a receiving limit that did not allow receiving the payment amount. (same as item 14)
20Divergence in CPF/CNPJ information.The entered document does not correspond to the informed account. (Common in cases of corporate accounts where the beneficiary's CPF is informed instead of his CNPJ, for example)
22Account Closed.The entered account is closed.
26The transaction type is not supported for this bank account.In this case, an investigation is necessary with the bank to verify the reason. (It happens in cases where the account to be credited is a savings account but a current account was informed, or vice versa, for example).
28Canceled by Compliance.Canceled for compliance reasons. (In merchants remittance cases, it also happens when the beneficiary exceeds the limit of 100k reais received in 365 days).
30Account does not allow payment type indicated.The account to be credited does not allow the kind of payment attempt used (does not accept instant payments or electronic transfers, for example).
31Incorrect account type.It only happens when the account to be credited is a savings account but a current account has been informed or vice versa.
32PIX rejected by beneficiary bank.Same as item 1, rejected by the bank but exclusive to PIX payments.
  • Erro 9 is exclusive for electronic transfer end 17 only for Instant payment
  • In webhooks payloads rejection reasons is attribute 'payment_occurrence_id'